Dealing with Water
The Contractor shall provide all necessary links to environmental resources and water sections of local government in planning permissions and activities of dehydration. The Contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals from local authorities concerned prior to dehydration and to ensure that all conditions of approval imposed by the local authority for permission to dehydration / strict permissions compliance . The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to ensure dry conditions are maintained at all times during construction. The Contractor shall provide and maintain many ways and devices (including replacement units ready for use in case of failure ) that intercept and / or remove quickly and properly dispose of all water entering trenches and other excavations. These excavations must be kept dry until the structures , pipes and fittings in the same building are completed. In addition , care must be taken to prevent flotation of partially built structures made covered in commissioning works and pipeline awaiting filling structures.
The Contractor must ensure that the static water level must be removed to a depth sufficient to maintain the bottom of the dry excavation (at least 300 mm below the level of training). No digging will be allowed in wet conditions and pipelay or specific activities begin until the Contractor has demonstrated that it can maintain excavations in dry conditions acceptable to the Engineer. The contractor is required to keep dehydration at all times during construction to ensure that no groundwater comes into contact with the pipe, the exposed surfaces of the reinforcement or unprotected . Failure of the above allows the Engineer to condemn the work of the section concerned and require the removal and complete replacement by the contractor. If the Contractor does not maintain excavations in dry conditions ( acceptable to the Engineer ), the client reserves the right to hire a subcontractor professional dehydration in the name and on behalf of the entrepreneur. Contractor is deemed to have visited the site before submitting your bid, so that all inspections and necessary to enable the following in their requests for tender : a) temporary evacuation lines , structures, pumps and other equipment necessary to prevent local flooding or waterlogging . b ) the means of access and working space. c ) the nature of the soil and subsoil. d) Presence of existing foundations and other hidden obstacles. e ) the level of groundwater.
f) The extent and possible rock cavities. g ) upport properties and surrounding structures . S h) ny other factors that affect the work. A i ) All activities allow approval /
Any information the contractor or in the documents or any other source, shall not relieve the Contractor of its responsibility to decide for itself the nature and scope of work, and ensure that similar conditions apply other parts of the site. Contractor is deemed to have contacted the relevant authorities to establish the existence of an existing , living or adjacent redundant services or through the work area and shall be deemed to have accepted in his bid for the location, fun , demolition or withdrawal. Boring records and related information are the conditions of the basement in specific places and at specific times designated in the records . a . Soil conditions also may differ from conditions that occur in boring places. b . The passage of time can lead to a change in the conditions of the subsoil or water levels in boring places. c . Employer does not guarantee statements , opinions or conclusions contained in the geotechnical report .
Contractor shall assume full responsibility for :
a . Deductions and conclusions made by him as to the nature of the soil dehydration. b . Difficulties linked to both dehydration and landfill operations . c . Maintain elevations dehydration required at all times during construction . d. Conduct your own research to verify the validity of the information basement.
Neither the employer nor the Engineer will be responsible for damages of dewatering activities. The Contractor shall submit engineering approval of a detailed method for drainage systems , compliance with the requirements set . The method declaration is submitted at least 30 days before the start of dewatering operations . No dehydration
perations begin until the Engineer has approved method statement of the contractor and all necessary permits obtained . Capacity calculations , places and details dewatering system composts , such as pumps , collectors , collection and drainage pipes, projects and floor units conditon groundwater , recharging system of water disposal system monitoring equipment of water , the solution of the measurement equipment , data collection and distribution are included . Proposed in the states of dehydration method contractor methods may include temporary drains, intercepting ditches, sewers , sub- cut drains, sewers , wells , pumps, and other items or equipment dehydration and includes all the equipment necessary to prevent water from excavations or less sensitive groundwater and floating structures. The Contractor shall provide qualified and experienced staff to carry out dehydration. If approved by the Engineer , the Contractor shall provide the services of a subcontractor dehydration experienced , qualified and properly equipped to design and operate systems and groundwater dewatering necessary for the job. All necessary precautions must be taken to avoid any adjacent land will be affected by the loss of fines by a drainage system. All water must be removed and disposed so as to avoid flooding or flooding , property damage and disruption or threat to the adjacent public. All pumped or drained water work must be disposed of properly and without undue interference in other works , damages sidewalk, services or other goods . Appropriate temporary pipes , ditches or channels shall be provided by the water can flow over or through the work site . No water must be disposed of in sewer / drainage existing city or not the prior written permission of the local authority. Before downloading the seawater, boulevards , etc. the Contractor shall obtain the prior approval of the competent local authority in writing. If permission to use existing pipes or culverts that are not part of the sanitation score, which must be thoroughly cleaned of all silt and damage have evolved after use is given . When the contractor proposes to use existing drainage pipes , conduits, etc. , has been set as to his condition before use . If any of these elements are in an unsatisfactory state then , before use, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer may order the item will be replaced or repaired. Time to perform this type of work is not considered delayed operations of the contractor.
When using the contractor is responsible for the condition of the pipe , conduit, etc. , and any defect or failure will be done by the contractor. Any delay in the work of the contractor caused by the defect or failure, is considered the responsibility of the contractor . After use by the contractor as pipes, conduits, etc. , shall be given to the local authority under conditions no less than at the beginning of use. All repairs or replacements that may be required will be borne by the contractors. You can not guarantee that will b authorization to use ducts and existing pipes. Unless otherwise specified, all temporary drains and sub- drains will eventually be sealed with concrete to approved and all temporary ditches intervals , drains , wells, etc. , must be filled and replaced as specified elsewhere. In the exceptional case where gaps for groundwater storage are allowed , they must be adequately protected with fencing and the day assistance and night to prevent access by the general public and not be located near buildings . Approved for the prevention of the formation of mosquito larvae in the area of the slots is used media. All necessary precautions must be taken to prevent groundwater from entering the network used to carry portable water .