Seven Wonders of the Modern World

Seven Wonders of the Modern World

Here is the list of the seven wonders of the modern world . The list was developed by engineers with the field of American Society , the list provides details on existing wonders on earth.

Empire State Building. The building was completed in 1931 . The building is about 1250 meters high and is located in the city of New York. It was the tallest building in New York until the first tower of the World Trade Center was built.

Itaipu Dam . This dam was a combined effort of Brazil and Paraguay , and is in the Paraná River, which was completed in 1991. This dam is known throughout the world as it is the leader of the hydroelectric plant in the world. The total length of the dam is about 7745 m, it took about 16 years to build the dam.

CN Tower. Located in Toronto , Canada, the tower became the tallest freestanding structure in 1976. The tower is the word made ​​of glass through which we can try to 342m on the ground.

Panama Canal. The known channel is 50 miles long across the Isthmus of Panama. The canal was built after 34 years of hard work. This is one of the most expensive in American history projects , and about 80,000 people died during the construction of the canal .

Channel Tunnel . He is best known as the Channel Tunnel , and acts as a link between France and England. This tunnel is 31 meters long and 23 km tunnel is about 150 feet below the bottom of the Channel.

Netherlands North Sea job security . As the Netherlands is below sea level , so that the number of gates , dams and barriers surge can build to check the flood. Three kilometers from two miles long barrier cell voltage in an estuary is the most important part of the project. This project is considered equivalent to the scale of the Great Wall of China .

Golden Gate Bridge. One of the longest bridges in America between San Francisco and Marin County. The bridge was completed in 1937 . During the construction of bridge experts thought it would be almost impossible for them to build the massive structure due to natural hazards such as winds , ocean currents , I 'm about four years were consumed by the manufacturers for this task Finally, the bridge was built . This bridge is in the hands of son and steel cables.

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