How Professional Are You at Work?

How Professional Are You at Work?        

Are you the type of person to your office colleagues call a true "professional" , and seriously?

Everyone wants to be professional in the work called for obvious reasons. We want to be the man of our office colleagues gravitate help, advice, or just plain talk .
We want our office colleagues to greet us "hello" with a special ring and smile, be equipped with a large bouquet on our birthdays or anniversaries . Contact us for operational management issues , giving special missions, or the top of the list for promotion.
I'm sure you click with envy whenever your office colleagues partner called a pro when he / she will and desire, in the background, you can also get the same respect and admiration.
But you can
. Being a professional is not a birthright , but given to those who deserve the title, but not official. Although there is something magical about being called "professional" , there is no magic in the future . A magnificent mansion did not come into existence by itself , but slowly building from a concrete cube .
You can become one if you wish. Paulo Coelho said:
"When a person really desires something , all the universe conspires to realize this person . "
It does not take a genius to become a professional . No science , no math, no complicated calculations are necessary . All you have to do is sincerely take inventory of yourself and refer to those who are called real " pros" .

So start by asking yourself these questions and see how you measure :

A . What is my level of competence?

Do you still have your job requires that you are competent enough ..

But professionals are not competent enough . Floyd Mayweather is a skilled fighter. But it takes a lot more than that to win the title of " pound for pound king of boxing," and Tiger Woods could not have won four Maters if competent . It should be much more than that.

A professional is 10 meters above the competition in the rest of the pack.

Two . Am I reliable?

When a professional gives his / her speech or makes a commitment , it is as good as done. They can be invoked to perform any task assigned , submit accurate reports on time.

Are you in this league now?

Three . Do I listen to others ?

Not only pretend to listen but really listen and understand what others are talking about, and provide information as necessary.

People are naturally difficult to hear and will do so only to find an opening to stop in. To listen is to show respect for others.

April. Do I talk about people behind their backs ?

This is the most common of those who have nothing better to do at the office pastime. Not just plain gossip , but potentially harm the career and personality of the other .

I had two partners at my old job who have been forced to retire because of the constant sniping by envious subordinates.

Professionals do not engage in the language of the street, or destroy other people to achieve their ambitions. They are provided in advance , and , conversely , are supported , and other non-destructive .

May I have a positive attitude?

You know why professionals attract people ? Because they are optimistic. Nobody likes being around people is bleak in its outlook .

I'm sure you are disabled , too , people who may never see the positive side of things, people who always have something negative to say about everything that happens around you.

6 . I'm focused on my work?

Do you bite people because you had a fight with your wife or your children do not do well in school?

Do not let your personal problems on the road to do their job well . Put everything in perspective . Nobody likes to deal with people who are depressed and easily destabilized by things that have nothing to do with work .

7 . Do I have integrity?

Integrity is the set of personal characteristics that justify honesty and building trust among those with whom you work.

Integrity has four facets , for example , responsibility , competence , ethics and incorruptibility .

In all my years of work, I had the sad experience of working with very competent people , but they could not rely on the performance of the tasks entrusted to the

8 . I am in favor of others?

Professionals fear never threatened by the competition because they know they can defend themselves in any situation. Therefore, they are very supportive of the aspirations of the other. They are very helpful and supportive.

They are always willing to set aside a excellent protection performance of subordinates so that they can carve out their own destiny as well .

9 . Am I excited ?

Professionals are infectious in their enthusiasm . This is where charisma derives its power to move and motivate people around

10 . Meet knowledge ?

Professionals considered are not static in their skills and knowledge. Frequently update themselves on the latest developments , not only in their field of work , but in other areas.

This allows them to participate in conversations that span various areas of interest in life.

Honest self -assessment is probably one of the most difficult to do, just by ego or our own prejudices about things things. It can also lead to changes in our thinking and doing. And change is always a traumatic experience.

Often, however, we are forced to do to find happiness and job satisfaction . This is a good starting point. They can be difficult at first, but not impossible. With constant practice, become a part of you. When this happens, you become what you always wanted to be.

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